Dismissal begins at 3:05 p.m. (2:05 p.m. Wednesdays).
At Walker we use two locations (a west-side and east side) where walkers/bikers can arrive and leave the campus (See Below). East-side dismissal is not to be used for students crossing Snow Hill Road. For the safety of our students, those students crossing Snow Hill Road should utilize the west-side dismissal point and cross over safely with the assistance of the crossing guard. Both bike gates will be locked after the late bell and opened before dismissal.

Car Riders
All car riders must come through the main entrance located off of Snow Hill Road. Please follow the traffic pattern below.
For arrival, we only use a single lane and ask that you pull up to the east-side of the bike gate (See below); a staff member will be standing on the sidewalk at this spot. We ask that students enter and exit their vehicle on the passenger side only. This is for your child's safety. Parents should not get out of their cars at any time during the arrival or dismissal process.
During dismissal, on a sunny day, we utilize two lanes once you get directly in front of the school. Please pull up to the cones, come to a complete stop, and place the car in park. After students have entered their vehicles, a staff member will verify that each car is ready to leave with a thumbs up. The cones will be removed, and the traffic will begin to move once again.
VPK will utilize the Bus/Daycare Van loop for arrival and dismissal.

Car Tags
Each year parents/guardians will be issued a new car tag. For safety reasons, you may not use last year’s car tag or a handmade tag. The car tag must be visible to staff until you leave our parking lot. Parents without a current year’s tag will be asked to park and provide a photo ID in the Main Lobby. If you need a car tag, you may pick one up in the front office during school hours (photo ID required).
Change in Transportation
If you have a change in Transportation, please fill out this form or include the information on the form on a handwritten note and turn it in to your child's teacher. In addition, you can call the school's main phone number at 407-871-7350. If you are calling, you will need to speak to a person; please do not leave a message. Be prepared to provide your child's security code. We are requesting that all changes in transportation be made prior to 2:30 pm (1:30 pm on Wednesdays).
Many times, students are confused about how they are going home because of changes in routine. It is helpful to keep dismissal changes to an absolute minimum.
Change in Transportation Form
Crossing Guard Locations
- Snowhill Rd. & Ave. H
- Snowhill Rd @ Bus Entrance
- Map (pdf)
Severe Weather Dismissal Plan
Occasionally, JWES will need to follow the “Severe Weather” dismissal procedure. These procedures will be initiated during the threat or presence of severe weather, including thunder or lightning in the area. Updates will be provided every 15-20 minutes via School Messenger and social media. Please note that our delayed dismissal may also result in students arriving home later than their normally scheduled time. Our priority is the safety of students and staff. Therefore, all students will wait inside the school to ensure they are safe (this includes car riders, bus riders, daycare van riders, walkers, and bikers).
- Walkers/Bikers: Please go to the front office (double doors on the right-hand side) to sign them out with proper identification. After 2:55 pm, the remaining students will become car riders. Please make arrangements to pick them up in the car line.
- Bus/Daycare Van: Students will be released to their bus or daycare van when it is safe to do so.
- Car Line: Students will be released to their car when it is safe to do so.